Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tired and emotional (D-2/D-1)

As most of you know I tend to be quite stoic and hide my emotions successfully, however on Friday I was extremely emotional – crying often. Most likely my extreme exhaustion play a role with this weakness. I have always managed not to cry in front of Max, but on this particular day - having to clean Max’s bottom so often and having him screaming with pain whilst I was doing so was just too much to bear. Even the morphine boosters were not easing his pain. It really was a case of being cruel to be kind. If any poo was to get into his system via the open wounds on his rear, this would result in a sure case of serious infection, particularly considering his immune functioning is on the decline. Thankfully, by yesterday evening Max’s behind was looking SO much better, despite still having many bouts of diarrhoea thru the day/night. I am now quite the ‘Master bum cleaner’ and getting very good and quick at changing him. Max has not been wearing nappies since Thurs, instead just sitting/lying on a ‘bluey’ (a water proof sheet). Once I realize he has had a motion, I get into action: Gloves on (as poo - and wee for that matter - are toxic from the chemo), new ‘bluey’ laid out, open packet of cotton balls, soak them with saline, lift up his bottom, clean gently and put used cotton balls in a bag – along with the soiled ‘bluey’, re-lay fresh ‘bluey’, puff some special stomahesive powder on open wound areas then smear a extra thick layer of zinc based cream over his entire buttock region……then wait around 15 -30 minutes to repeat the whole process again!!! At least now he is not screaming and thrashing about in pain whist I have to do this!
As a reaction to the ATG (a drug made from horse or rabbit serum used as part of the conditioning protocol to help wipe out the bits of Max’s immune system which the chemo has missed), Max has had high fevers (39C+) and welts covering his entire body. These effects are all part of severe allergic reactions which are expected from this drug. (Max had his last dose of ATG yesterday - Saturday). Max has generally coped very well with all of these reactions, however early this morning at around 3am, his blood pressure fell, had difficulty breathing, and was difficult to rouse. The night registrar was paged to check on Max as it was feared that Max was going into anaphylactic shock. The Dr called the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for instruction as to whether Max should be given a shot of adrenaline. During all this time my heart was in my throat! After an hour or so, Max’s obs were more steady and he just needed a shot of steroids to reduce the reaction. Of course Max was not interesting in sleeping after this – so once again I did not sleep last night. Tim is on night duty tonight….boy am I looking forward to a good nights sleep!

Yesterday and today Max has been very lethargic, just sleeping and watching DVD’s (3 of the 6 DVD’s Pip bought for Max – Thanx Cus!!!!)

He is also very pale and definitely not himself. I also find it very difficult not seeing him smile (none since Thursday at least). He is currently receiving a red blood cell transfusion, which should help with his paleness and lethargy. He has also received 4 platelet transfusions.

It’s the BIG day tomorrow (Day 0). Max will receive his new stem cells somewhere between 10am and 12pm. I’m off now to meet Mum and Dad at Ronald Mc House who are bringing a HUGE basket of fruit/cakes and goodies from Toni and Knutti – Thank you in advance!!!

Hope to update some more with photos later today, xx


  1. Hi Bee,
    God Bless you and Max and may these stressful and scary days be behind you soon. Good Luck for transplant day!

    Enjoy the fruit cake and may it give you the strength of 10 moms! Sending many prayers and good wishes your way.


  2. Hi Bee, Tim, and Maxwell T,
    Your love and much admired strength and dedication to this mammoth procedure is to be congratulated. I believe that being pregnant is very much like sitting down to play a game of cards - you don't know what you'll be dealt, but you do your best with that hand. Step aside Joe Hachem! It's okay to shed a tear Bee - they are a release valve. Much love Billy and Carly xoxox

  3. Dear Bee, Tim and Max,

    my name is Birgit and am I am the daugther-in-law of your father's cousin Max Roeder in Germany. Im am writing on behalf of the whole Roeder family, Max (whose mother Barbara's maiden name was Holzer), Rosi, his wife, their sons Markus (my husband) and Volker with his wife Camille. We all live near Cologne, close to the border to Belgium and the Netherlands.

    Max and Rosi have been following your blog for a while and they have been writing to your parents in German. Now the rest of the family has joined. We admire who you cope with the situation. Not just MaxderStarke but also Bee and Tim. We think of you and pray for you.

    We have two little boys, Benedikt aged 6 1/2 and Philipp, aged 4. They were both born with a cleft palate and had to undergo several surgeries and a lot of treatment. We can understand that part of your life when you tell about how difficult it is to see your child in pain; that you have to inflict even more pain to eventually help them in their condition. That you have to make decisions for your son's future the best way you can. We had many times when we were exhausted and desperate.

    However, even though some of the surgeries have been serious, the diseases of our children have never been life threatening. And both of them have developed wonderfully, better than we ever expected. We had a lot of help, though. Our family, caring doctors and nurses, and the strength in our faith.

    We wish you all the best for tomorrow. Due to the time difference we will be still asleep when you start with the procedures. But as soon as possible we will check the blog and hope that everything went as planned.

    Love Birgit, Markus, Benedikt, Philipp, Max, Rosi, Volker, Camille.

  4. Hi Tim & Bianca, We have been following your blog and have been wanting to write to you on many occasions but never really knew what to say or how to say it. I just want you to know that your both Amazing!! and taking the time and energy to share all the updates with your family and friends is admirable, its appreciated by all & especially for Max that he will be able to look back on this when he is older, Wow... Max is so lucky to have such great parents. Continue to be strong your doing a great job. Its ok to break down its very difficult to stay strong all the time. Its like when my Dad was away my Mum kept strong on the surface and one reason i think she did that was for her children. Children are amazing little people, their ability to keep punching or get straight back into Dora mode is so beautiful. They are so innocent and pure and just so special. Ive been told that i make a nice sauce so let me know if you would like me to run you down a plate of pasta one day this week. Your really not far from us in Essendon & we would love to do something to help out. And if there is anything else you need please dont hesitate. You are all in our prayers. Love you
    Cousin Sarah & Regan XXXXXXXXX
