Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Boring days are good days (Day +8)

After an anxiety ridden Monday, which included an ominous visit from a doctor from ICU (Intensive Care Unit) to prepare us for a possible trip there if Max's fever didn't settle down, we were blessed today with an uneventful Tuesday. The day started with a bang, quite literally, with Max gifting us a bulging and leaky nappy containing the remants of a dawn explosion. More importantly, Max awoke a much happier boy with his temperature and heart rate having maintained their stable levels throughout the night. The doctors visited in the morning and were very happy with his numbers and his disposition which in turn was a great relief to Bee and I. 


Max spent most of the day relaxing watching TV, reading books and occasionally offering a word of advice to his parents. He was certainly a lot more with it today; when reading a magazine with Bee he recognised a photo of Susan Kennedy, exclaiming 'Neighbours' (FYI- Susan Kennedy is a character on long running soap opera and favorite show of Bee 'Neighbours') . As for Bee and I, it was a far less stressful day than yesterday. With Max happier and making fewer poo explosions, were able to catchup on some rest and enjoy some of the snacks they offer to parents on the ward, including some delicious toasted fruit breadwith banana and honey. We pray for more days like these.


For Meals: Peter & Sandra, Damien & Krys, Jono & Karen, Mawa (Christine), Oma (Julie)

Krys & Damien - for the cool books. Max will be a genius by the time he leaves here.

John & Lyndal - for the thoughtful gift.

Pierre & Cat - for the moofies.






  1. So good to hear about better days. Hang in there! Max is always in our prayers every night!

  2. Hi guys, glad things are looking up today. Just wanted to let you know - and everyone who's been updated on the poo fountain - it's Easter next week - I was shopping for eggs and came across a display in one shop -a bloody CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!I had to leave quickly as the mental connection was simply toooooo much. But gee I laughed and I'm sure you'd have had the giggles poo. Oops I mean too. Love to the mighty threesome. Julia xx

  3. Well Julia,I think you should go back and get a happy snap of that fountain.....there will be a time when Tim, Bee and Max can have a good chortle over that image!!...and to think they were not the only people in Melbourne seeing it.Well..I am sure Max would be quite flabbergasted at the thought!!!


  4. Better yet - did the Chocolate Fountain in the store have a plug? Buy one immediately and everyone will be happy!
    Love you guys, you are such a tight little family unit looking after each other and getting through the hardest of times together. Sending you peace and rest and hopes for a quick recovery and a whole new immune system.
    Sue xxx

  5. Hi Tim, Bee and Max - I have been following the blog on my IPhone - sometimes difficult - but nevertheless I haven't missed a word of your epic journey. You are all so unbelievably strong and obviously made of the right stuff and I love you and am so proud of you. Hey Tim, I like the haircut - at first glance you looked like one of my boys - perfect excuse to don that Hawthorn beenie now that the weather is cooling down. Give Max a big kiss from Aunty Cheryle and Family and tell him that he is my first U-Tube star relative and I am most impressed. Love to you all for a continual rise in the platelet count and for loads of chocolate at Easter. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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