Monday, March 29, 2010

Just another manic monday (Day +14)

After a sedate weekend, Max had a huge day today. Unlike our last manic monday of a week ago which saw Max battling a raging fever and doctors entertaining a trip to ICU, today's reason's for being busy were a lot more fun filled. Max had plenty of visitors today, including:
  • The Comfort First Clinician - to award Max his beads for all his treatments endured and milestones achieved. The beads get strung on a leather thread which will become a momento of Max's time in hospital.
  • The Play Therapist - for a game of lego and jigsaw puzzling
  • The Art therapist - for some painting 
  • The Social Worker - for some book reading and aeroplane building
He also squeezed in a platelet transfusion, a dressing change for Mr Hose and some Mario Kart on the Wii. How does one find the time?
Today's Blood Counts:

White cell count: 2.8 (6.0-17.0)
Neutrophils:  1.97 ** (1.5-8.5)
Haemoglobin: 92 (110-140) *
Platelets: < 10 (150-400) *
Normal ranges in brackets
* transfusions are topping these levels up at the moment, so they are not a true indication of where he is at.
** Yes, that's not a typo!

Thankyous to:
  • Cus (Pip) for the HUGE meal
  • Bec, Dave and Ben - for the boatload of food
  • Claire for the meal, desserts and presents
  • Brian, Julia, David, Kate and Megan for the books - they're Golden!
  • Oliver, Zara, Kaz and Scottie for the Thomas book - wonderful choice.


  1. Bee, Tim and Max,

    Glad to see things settling down and the Neotrophil count is outstanding. Way to go Max!!! Keep up the great work!

    Jay and Evan Sivigny

  2. Hi Max,
    Just how does one find the time to look so cute??
    Love 'n' hugs
    Billy & Carly xoxo

  3. Sounds like fun! Or at least as much fun as one can have in the hospital. :-D I'm glad to hear he's doing pretty well. He's still in our prayers every night, so we can't wait to see those counts start rising! :-D

  4. Liebe Bianca, lieber 'starker' Max, lieber Tim,

    wir verfolgen täglich Euren Kampf und sagen:
    Ihr seid toll!
    Wir leiden mit Euch und Eurem kleinen 'starken'
    Max und freuen uns über jede auch noch so kleine
    Verbesserung seines Zustandes.
    Wir umarmen Euch alle.

    Annebill und Armin
    Claus, Florian und Michael
