Saturday, May 29, 2010

Three Months in…..(Day+75)

I want to start out by thanking my wonderful husband for spending the past number of nights with Max. As I posted in the last update, I came down with a nasty cold last week, so Tim began doing the night shifts. Not only was my nose and head stuffed up, but my intestines had been brewing something unwanted for a few weeks as well. I thought by ignoring the situation, it would go away….not so. So, just to add to the already bad situation, I too was having stomach issues. I think the stress of everything finally caught up with me. 

It was such a vicious cycle - I felt so guilty being away from Max - but feeling rotten due to my own symptoms, I knew I was no good to anyone, yet this made me stressed, which exacerbated my symptoms, which kept me away from Max...... The last thing we needed was me being in hospital too! So my mother (love her!) decided to take charge arranging an appointment with my Dr. After seeing him, a small procedure was organised the following day for a little ‘look-see’ to discover that yes, my Crohn’s Disease has reared it’s ugly head…..crap! I have been put on increased medications myself, and I spent two nights in the comfort of “Club Relax” at my parents’ house where I was forced to do nothing! I am feeling better, but unfortunately it is not a situation that can be fixed quickly.    

As for Max: The large number of medical specialists looking after Max has now grown. The dermatology team came on board ordering a second skin biopsy to rule out whether Max’s new rash was actually something more sinister (TEN - Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis) in which the skin basically dies. Obviously this would have been horrid and honestly I didn't want to think about it. Thankfully, it turns out the biopsy result showed that his new rash was still consistent with GVHD. His blood pressure is also still a concern, so another med has been added. And another antibiotic has been prescribed…why not!  

Last week, in order to relieve the itching and burning of his rash, the Dr’s decided to try putting Max in ‘wet dressings’. This was done every four hours and involved lathering his body in cream, soaking cloth (similar to chux wipes) in cold water covering them over his arms and legs, then soaking bandages in the same cold solution and wrapping him up. Understandably Max HATED it and was extremely vocal! Thankfully, as of yesterday, this has been reduced to now just dressing his hands and forearms.   

As for the poo…..well, it’s still coming…..

We are hanging in here, and once again we must thank our awesome parents for helping us out by looking after Max so that Tim and I can have some 'get out of jail' free time xxxxx  

Thankyou to:
  • All my magnificent friends who have called, texted and emailed. I feel so blessed to have you all in my life, I will get back to you....promise!
  • Cards from Aunty Juda and Nana Shirley
  •  Rach, Matt, Amelie and Harvey for the meal, wine, treats and gift
  • Pip (Cus) for the meal and gifts for Max and Me!
  • Angie for the book and beautiful card.
    • Aunty Cheryle, Uncle Mick and family for the cool Jim Jams for Max!


    1. Hi Bee,

      Sending many caring thoughts from across the miles for Max and for you to get better soon and be able to go home. Keeping your family in my prayers everyday.
      Take care,

    2. Hi Bee,
      Three months! Who can believe it? Maybe the next nine will pass in a similar nano-second and Max will be a year out and well and cured! I know the path you are going along is similar for all the BMT kids, and if anyone can pop out unscathed it's our Max. Those Aussie boys are tough. I was glad to hear he vocalised his hatred of the wet dressings, glad he's still got his spunk!
      Thinking of you every day, if all our dreams and wishes combine I know Max will be well in an instant.
      Sue xx

    3. sending huge amounts of love your way.
      Lis xxxx

    4. ABC of Max Der Starke:
      Cars (Max knows every car in his possession and it's identified by the person who gave to him) and whoa to anyone who loses one! naughty Mawa)
      Daddy and Doctors - Karin, Keith, Carey Anne and welcome Francois
      Eggs - 2 x poached 'hard' every day not negotiable
      Friends & Family -thank you to all for the wonderful support and prayers from behing the scenes
      Girls - dark haired nurses are a hit
      Ham sandwiches - going for the record
      IV lines - a fact of life
      Joy - at waking up each day starving hungry
      Kisses - can't get enough hugs & kisses
      Love for his mummy & daddy, Love from all his family
      Mummy (of course) and Mawa & Mapa
      Nilstat every four hours to keep his mouth clean
      Ooma & Oopa
      Poo! (What else!) oh and pasta
      Queer smells in the room
      Red itchy skin
      Salada biscuits
      Teddy Bear biscuits & Top Gear (ad nauseam!)
      Unbelievable determination
      Variety of toys to play with (thank you everyone)
      Wet bandages
      xtreme hunger, xtreme poo's!
      'Yes, I want it' - what Max say when he can't have anymore food
      Zhonda (see Top Gear)and Zhun the beautiful Social Worker

    5. dear Max;your Mawa is a poet and she did not know it!!Well C J Dennis would have said it better;however,he is absent!!We hope those cooling wraps are doing the trick for your skin itch....and we hope mum and dad(especially mum) are hanging in there??Bee and tim you need time out for the Maximus!1

      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsandra and peter

    6. HiBee Tim & Max, hope you are feeling brighter Bee, I guess you're fed up with Max getting all the attention! Not! Anyway I hope you've had a smoother time. So many bumps you guys have experienced. However you have the power of love on your side, don't forget, so many people hoping and praying and loving has to work! Big love, from the McGraths

    7. Oscar & I sending lots of love, I will be on hols next week so I will pop my head to say G'day...stay strong XXXX C
