Thursday, May 13, 2010

Long time between motions (Day +59)

After a 30 hour gap between poos, we knew we were in for a special treat when Max finally came to breaking point. At 10am this morning it happened. Huge eruption and smelly scent would certainly be an understatement. But the good news - no after shocks! And then again at 5pm this evening. But again, just the one episode. Each time I was waiting, waiting for more.....but nothing! Bravo bowels! There is still a way to go, as they are by no means 'formed', but they haven't been 'water' for a few days now. As you may remember over the past month or so, when Max would usually do his 'business', there would be a number of further watery splodges to follow. It was not uncommon for me to be changing his nappies (or the blueys he would lie on) for up to an hour at a time.....not this is fantastic news.

In other news, Max now has a new found love of poached eggs (hence the eggy fragrance of his motions). He can't get enough of them. The diatitian recommended an increase in protein ie. meat and eggs, so she was wrapped that Max was eating them well. When I asked her how many would be too many, she said perhaps stop at 6. She also sent up some raw eggs so that I could go and poach them myself in the microwave....on demand!

This afternoon, Max began his ranting fury of demands for 'pooched' egg. So, as I always do upon leaving the room, I raised the side guards up on the bed, and put the nurse buzzer thing close by Max so that if in need he could press for the nurse. Upon my return with Max's egg a few minutes later, I found a nurse sitting on his bed massaging his hands with cream. She began laughing and explained that Max had used the buzzer and when she entered the room, Max held out both his hands and commanded her to "rub my hands with cream!" She said she couldn't refuse. I think this hospital adventure has created a spoilt little man out of our times ahead!

  • Vanessa for the visit and the entertaining present for Max.
  • Lou for the great presents for Max - the whopee toilet putty was especially entertaining,
  • Karen for the grand effort in getting those fabulous "Neighbours" autographs,
.....and both of you for taking me out for a delicious dinner.
  • John and Lynne for the chocolate treats.
  • Peter and Sandra for a meal.
And special birthday hugs and kisses to Granny Pat. Tim, Max and I hope you had a wonderful day and we send you lots of love xxx


    1. I am so happy for you that your big guy can eat once again and that he is enjoying the "luxuries"of the bmt unit. I am so happy that you can be a mom again, cooking on demand and cleaning normal poo.

      With much love,


    2. Sounds like things are really looking up; I'm rapt for you all, and sure Max will always be grateful to be girt by loving parents, family and friends.

    3. Hi you Trust Trio. How goes it? Glad to hear that things are improving a with Max - that's happy news. I hope Bee that you and Tim have been able to snatch a moment or two in this glorious sunshine. Thinking of you with love. Julia, Brian & Co xx

    4. Jings. Typing too fast. That should have read 'Trusty Trio"!!
