Thursday, April 8, 2010

Maxwell has left the building (Day +24)

Well, the day has come at last. Max was discharged from hospital today after a final check up from Doctor T, five weeks to the day from when he was admitted. Max was a little freaked out on leaving but tonight was back to his cheeky inquisitive self. Bee and I in no particular order are ecstatic that this day has finally arrived, anxious about living outside the security of the ward and completely knackered physically and mentally so please excuse the short

We still have a long way to go before Max has completed his treatment; he still has medications to take, visits every second day to the hospital to make (we're back again on saturday morning) and so on, but today marks a mighty achievement for Max Der Starke. It's a celebration!




  1. We are glad to hear that the three of you could make a big step forward. Our best wishes for the rest of the journey.

  2. Congratulations - Max jumped the biggest hurdle and barely complained, he's a champion. Leaving the security of the Hospital is scary but such a milestone, I'm so happy for you all. Hope you find yourselves at home in your own beds (don't you long for your own bed?) before you know it and Max is cured and it's all behind you.
    Post WAS Australian Conference - should we plan the dates yet?
    Sue xx

  3. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am absolutely 'stoked' for the three of you. Another impressive notch on the path of Max's journey. You all kick '----'
    Billy & Carly xoxo :)

  4. FANTASTIC FOR THE TRIO...HUGS ALL ROUND!!HALF, JUST,'BOUT,HOME.........all four letter words.Isn't great that doctors use them?!!Hope you all sleep well tonight in different beds!

    xxxxxxxxxxxxsandra and peter

  5. Yay!!! Oh, I know it feels sooooo good to be out of the hospital. Relax as much as possible! Congrats!
