Monday, April 5, 2010

Out and about...sort of (Day +21)

Max rounded out the long weekend guessed it...doing jigsaw puzzles, balloon-astics and eating chocolate. However, today he did a lot more of these activities out of bed. In the morning he did some drawing at the desk, 

then he even ventured out of his room (in the 'anti'-room - where the nurses station is, but still in the isolation section) to play more balloons and games with some nurses.

Oma and Opa also came to visit while Tim escaped the hospital for some footy action. It was certainly an action packed day. 

Medical bits:
Max's main issue at the moment is getting him to eat and drink. If he was able to have chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner - there would be no issues, but this is obviously not ideal. As a trial, the feeds (via Mr Nose) were turned off for 24 hours today, just to see if he would eat anything substantial orally. He did manage quite a bit (perhaps half of what would be considered normal), but I guess that was to be expected as he has been either intraveneously fed or fed via Mr Nose for around four weeks and his stomach will take time to readjust. Tomorrow, the dietitian will give her suggestions of what we should do, based on what he has eaten today.

By the way.......Poo escapades are back! We had a super-dooper one today! Up his back, escaping the nappy and travelling down his legs and all over his track-suit pants. Oma can vouch for it - she was here when it happened...but great timing for Tim...who arrived back from the football, just in time! Lucky Daddy!

Max's blood pressure has also been rather high today; medication  was given this evening and it is slowly coming back to a decent level.

Max also has a mysterious rash - it comes and goes, of course it goes as soon as the Dr's come to inspect. They don't seem to be too concerned. I'm sure if it was serious it would stay put.

Tim goes back to work hoo. It's been so wonderful having him here to help out for the last 3 weeks. We'll miss you Daddy! But hopefully he will still be up for night duties.....won't you Tim??? Yes!!!???
The Numbers:
White cell count: 3.4 (6.0-17.0)
Neutrophils:  2.1 (1.5-8.5)
Haemoglobin: 94 (110-140) *
Platelets: 16 (150-400) *
* transfusions are topping these levels up at the moment, so they are not a true indication of where he is at.


  1. So glad things are going good!! Any idea when you all will get to go home?? Max is just as precious as ever :) Lots of love!

  2. Hi Bee,

    Good to see Max out into the "anti room" - first step to freedom from the hospital! Nice pics! Hope that he eats better and his diarrhea resolves.

    Take care,


  3. Hi Bee,

    So glad Max has made such wonderful progress. Happy eating vibes heading your way so you can all be home soon!

    Robin (& J.P.)
